Essential Email Survival Tools You Need Now

Essential Email Survival Tools You Need Now

What can you do Now to prepare for the approaching mobile tsunami?

To merely stay above water requires adoption of responsive websites and email design. Most companies are already doing that – as far as we can see.

But, to swim to safety, you need to count on additional life support measures. Most companies are NOT already doing that – as far as we can see.

Here are the essential Email Life Support Measures you’ll need to survive the upcoming turbulence:

1. Cling to your lifelines.
Capture email addresses whenever and wherever possible. They are the standard digital identity for all online consumers. You can’t communicate without them.

2. Wear a life jacket to keep you afloat in a sea of competitors.
Wrap your communication stream in personalized, relevant messaging directed to the right person at the right time. Building customer loyalty is your key defense against the Amazons of the world.

3. Let the lifeboats do the heavy lifting.
Advance planning and the right execution tools are essential for an efficient email production process. If you don’t have sufficient internal resources, outsource them.

4. Use a life saver when you’re in danger of losing a sale or a customer.
Automated remarketing techniques reactivate former buyers and recover abandoned shopping cart revenue. Just four programs will provide the basic rescue services you require.

5. Get a life guard to control the turbulence.
Provide a seamless shopping experience across all marketing channels and devices. Conflicting messages and empty shopping carts disrupt the purchase process.

6. When someone throws you a life preserver, grab it!
Use email to take advantage of expected or unexpected one-time events. It can turn on a dime.

7. Anchor your overall marketing strategy to sustainable, repeatable results
Well-run email programs can generate a consistent ROI and provide instant direction no matter which way the wind blows.

Stay tuned for details!