Mobile Readiness Report

Is Your Business Ready For The Growth Surge in Mobile Shopping!

The Mobile Tsunami is no longer looming on the horizon. It is HERE! For many ecommerce companies, mobile traffic is growing at record rates while desktop traffic is in decline. This seismic shift in consumer shopping habits is already having an adverse effect on overall conversion rates and bottom-line revenue. If you have seen the warning signs in your business and need help deciding what to do next…

Contact us now to get your Free Mobile Readiness Report NOW

In Your Report You’ll Learn:

  • How the rapid rise in mobile adoption is dramatically changing online shopping
  • What the impact of this new seismic shift is having on your business
  • How to evaluate your current mobile-readiness risk factors
  • Which strategies and programs will help you adapt to changing consumer needs

Your Report Will Give You:

  • A solid understanding of the mobile landscape and its imminent challenges
  • A look at the mobile-readiness of 500 top online merchants and how your company compares
  • Must-have technologies for a seamless cross-device customer experience
  • Proven strategies for increasing mobile engagement and revenue
  • Mobile-readiness diagnostic tools for quickly identifying your next steps

Have you looked at your mobile traffic lately?

The speed of mobile migration is startling.

It’s just a matter of time before the tipping point is reached – when over 50% of your online traffic comes from smartphones. It’s already happening with clients we monitor monthly.

Here’s an example from Jan-Oct of this year:
– 2017 mobile traffic is up 52% over 2016 – desktop is down by 2%.
– 2017 mobile transactions are up 41% over 2016 – desktop are up 2%.
– 2017 mobile revenue is up 56% over 2016 – desktop is up just 9%.

Mobile traffic is up, but conversions are down – less than a third the rate of desktop.
11.15% for desktop in 2017 compared to 3.26% for mobile.

How Do Your Numbers Look?

Your Online Store Must Now Fit in the Palm of Your Customer’s Hand

According to a recent eMarketer article, mobile buyers made up 59% of internet users in 2016. By extension, that would work out to a bit more than half of the total US population ages 14 and older.  And the volume of mcommerce sales is expected to more than double between 2017 and 2020.

Smartphones are the preferred mobile device –  51% of US adults use them for shopping online.

Adopting a “Mobile First” marketing strategy is no longer an option. It’s a necessity.

This doesn’t mean miniaturizing your website to fit a smartphone. Small screens are the number one roadblock to mobile conversion. While responsive web and email designs are a step forward, they are still just band-aid solutions.

Adapting to the demands of mobile consumers who expect to access the same information no matter where they are or which device they choose to use at any given moment is a daunting challenge. Successful online merchants will embrace a sea change in thinking.

Find out what it will take for your business with your customized Mobile Readiness Report

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Increasing mobile conversion is all about a seamless customer journey.

What if you had to use three methods of transportation to get from New York City to San Francisco. Just making the connections would be a nightmare, let alone the travelling discomfort.

Today’s online shoppers are using multiple devices – by choice – on their journey to completing a purchase. But they encounter roadblocks as they make connections between one device and another which cause them to throw up their hands and abort the process.

The average mobile shopping cart abandonment rate is above 50%. Abandoned cart recovery technology can recover 25%-50% of that lost revenue. It is the one triggered email program you absolutely must have to increase your mobile conversion rate.

Get Strategies That Will Help Your Conversion Rate

Eliminating the Roadblocks and Rebuilding Bridges

Mobile shoppers don’t want to wait in line or return to an empty cart!

Many online shoppers who fail to complete their purchases say it is because the checkout process was too slow or complicated. A frustrating experience on desktop, but even worse on a small smartphone screen.

Then adding insult to injury, they receive helpful email reminders that say the shopping cart they just abandoned is empty. How does that happen?

These all-to-common problems that are impeding your revenue stream and jeopardizing customer loyalty often have simple solutions that can be quickly applied.

Learn More About Your Mobile Users

Walking Your Store

Experience your mobile customer’s journey through your own eyes.

Creating an ecommerce website is more difficult than constructing a brick and mortar store. It requires a highly technical infrastructure most merchants can’t begin to understand much less manage. So once it is launched, they breathe a sigh of relief and only return to see what’s on the shelves when something is out of place.

For most online stores, there is a lot out of place for mobile shoppers. They can’t easily find what they want, much less quickly make a purchase. These are hurdles that must be uncovered and removed if the majority of your store traffic originates from a smartphone.

And, there is no substitute for walking your own store to see for yourself what needs to be fixed.

We Will Walk Your Store With You