Shelter from the Storm

Shelter from the Storm

Dealing with change is never easy.

Just when you think you’ve figured things out, the earth shifts beneath you and regaining your balance in another spot requires a different thought process.

The challenge is exhausting for some. Exhilarating for others.
For some, learning something new is just not worth the effort.
They simply ignore reality until they are lost in the past.

Our business is deeply entwined with catalog merchants. We know it well – having worn that hat years ago when growing a customer base centered on print advertising and list rental.

The variety of marketing and acquisition channels available today is mind-boggling. And many catalog companies are paralyzed by the choices. Like deer in a headlight, they don’t know which way to turn.

But in the midst of change, there are always constants – basic foundational principles that provide stability in turbulence.

Email is one of those constants that can transcend transition.

Think about it.

Everyone has an email address – without it we are invisible in today’s world.
We check our emails every day – more than once – increasingly more often on our smartphones.
It is our preferred method for receiving communication – both personal and promotional.

In the midst of change, there are always constants – basic foundational principles that provide stability in turbulence.

Online merchants have a direct path to each customer – a veritable lifeline – through which information can be shared and relationships nurtured – via messaging that costs just pennies to deliver.

Yes, it is abused and misused. We are all barraged with unwanted solicitations which demean email as a marketing channel.

But for those companies who treat it with respect – who truly recognize its benefits and and fully explore its potential – email provides value to their customers, enhances brand loyalty, and produces a dependable revenue stream.

It’s why we embrace it and champion its virtues.

Stay tuned to find out which companies do it right.